How to Use Paypal Without a Credit Card

How to use PayPal with checking account information.
While PayPal does allow users to make secure purchases with their credit card through PayPal you may want to avoid credit card use online. Maybe you do not have a credit card or you are trying to lower your credit card balance.

PayPal makes using alternative payment processes easy.

Set up PayPal with a checking account or a savings account.

Go to and log in using your e-mail address and password. If you do not have an account you can create a free buyer account (that also allows you to accept payment from other users).

After you have logged into your account go to the "My Account" tab on the main page. From there locate the "Profile" link that should be towards the right hand side of the screen. Click this link and a drop down menu appears.

Click on "Edit or Add Bank Account." Next click on the "Add Bank" button on this page.

Select either checking or savings and enter the account's router number and account number. You can locate these numbers on a deposit slip or on a check from your bank. Routing numbers are located on the left hand side of a check with account numbers displayed on the right hand side.

Click "Continue" to finish and confirm. You will receive small amounts of money known as "test deposits" into the linked account in a few days. When you see this amount on your bank statement or when you call the bank to ask about any small (literally a few cents) deposits write down the amounts.

Log into PayPal and go back to the "Profile" section and "Edit or Add Bank Account." Click the "Confirm" button next to the added account and provide the dollar amounts of the small deposits.

Once you have completed these steps you can use your PayPal account to pay for purchases online without exposing your bank account information to websites. You can also accept payments from other PayPal users. You can transfer money from your PayPal account to your linked bank accounts as well.

You can also link debit cards to a PayPal account or you can get a special PayPal debit card that allows you direct access to any funds in your PayPal account without transferring money back to a bank account.

PayPal is a secure website and used by millions of businesses and consumers alike.
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PayPal Sri Lanka
පේපල් වෙරිෆයි කරගන්නෙ ඇයි?
  1. ඔන්ලයින් Buy කරන්න.
  2. Sending / Receiving ලිමිට් අවම කරගන්න.
  3. බැංකු ගිනුමට මුදල් ලැබීමට හැකි වීම
  4. ඔන්ලයින් Sell කිරීමට හැකි වීම. 
  5. විශ්වාසය 
පේපල් වෙරිෆි කරගන්න පුලුනවන් ක්‍රෙඩිට්/ඩෙබිට් කාඩ් වර්ග

  • Visa Credit/Debit.
  • MasterCard Credit/Debit.
  • AmEx Credit/Debit.
  • Discover Credit/Debit.

ඔබ අන්තර්ජාලයෙන් උපයන මුදල් ලංකාවෙදි සල්ලි කරගන්නෙ කොහොමද?

Master Card Srilanka

ඇඩ්සෙන්ස් හැරුනහම වෙනත් ෆ්‍රීලන්සර් වගේ සයිට් වලින් උපයන මුදල් ලංකාවට ගෙන්න ගන්නෙ කෙහොමද? මේකට ක්‍රම කිහිපයක්ම තියෙනව. 
  1. චෙක්පත් මගින් (Bank Check)
  2. ඩෙබිට් හා ක්‍රෙඩිට් කාඩ්පත් මගින් (Visa , Master Card)
  3. පයනීර් මාස්ටර් කාඩ් එකක් මගින් (Payoneer MasterCard)
ගොඩක් අය හිතන්නෙ පේපල් ගිනුමක් හදාගෙන ඒකෙන් මුදල් ලංකාවට ගන්න පුලුවන් කියල, එත් ඒක එච්චරම ලේසි නැහැ. මොකද පේපල් වල සියලු පහසුකම් ලංකාවට දීල නැහැ. ඒ නිසා අපට පේපල් තුලින් ලංකාවට මුදල් ගෙන්න ගන්න නීත්‍යානුකූල ක්‍රමයක් නැහැ. (හොරට ගෙන්න ගන්න බැරිකමකුත් නෑ)
මේ දවස්වල ඔයාල apply කරොත් $25 ක බෝනස් එකක් ලැබෙනව. (ඒක ලැබෙන්නෙ ඔයාලගේ ගිනුමට $100 ක් දැම්මට පස්සෙ විතරයි.)
මුල්න්ම ඔයාල Payoneer කාඩ් එකක් හදාගන්න ඕන. මේ කාඩ් ලබාදෙන්නෙ පහලින් තියෙන බැංකු වලින්. මගෙ එකනම් ආවෙ First Century Bank එකෙන්. 
  • Choice Bank.
  • First Covenant Bank.
  • First Century Bank. 
ඒක දෙන්නෙ නිකම්. හැබැයි කාඩ් එක නිකම්ම ගෙදරට එව්වට ඒක ඇක්ටිව් කරගන්න ටිකක් වියදම් කරන්නත් වෙනව. එහෙම කරන්න බැරිනම් කාඩ් එකට ඉල්ලුම් නොකර ඉන්න එක ලංකාවට හොදයි. මොකද කාඩ් දෙන්නෙ ඒ බැංකු යමක් බලාපොරොත්තුවෙන්, ලංකාවෙ අය කාඩ් අරන් නාස්ති කරොත් මේක ලංකාවට තහනම් කරන්නත් පුලුවන් සමහරවිට.

Payoneer කාඩ් එකකින් ඔබට ඇති වාසි,
  1. කෙලින්ම Payoneer වලට සමහර සයිට් වලින් Withdraw කිරීමට ඇති හැකියාව.
  2. 100% නීත්‍යානුකූලයි.
  3. ලංකාවේ ඕනෑම ATM යන්ත්‍රයකින් මුදල් ලබා ගැනීමට හැකි වීම.
  4. Paypal වලට නොගෙවන මුදල් ලබා ගැනීම.
  5. පේපල් වල මුදල් ලංකාවේ ATM හරහා ලබා ගැනීම.
  6. Online pay , Shopping , ebuy කිරීමට අවස්ථාව ලැබීම.
  7. අවම Card fees.

  • කාඩ් එක සක්‍රිය කිරීමේ ගාස්තුව - $12.99
  • අලුත් කාඩ්පතක් ලබාගැනීමේදී (Replace)- $12.99 
  • සාමාන්‍ය මුදල් දැමීමකදී $2.00 දින දෙකකින් යනව.(දිගින් දිගටම මුදල් දැමීමේදී මෙහි අගය අඩු වේ.)
  • හදිසි මුදල් දැමීමකදී $5.00 පැය දෙකක් ඇතුලට කාඩ් එකට ලොඩ් වෙනවා.
  • කාඩ් එකේ දිගින් දිගටම සල්ලි තිබුනොත් නඩත්තු ගාස්තු වශයෙන් $3 ක් කැපෙනවා.
  • ATM තුලින් මුදල් ගැනීමේදී $3ක් කැපෙනවා.
  • කාඩ් එකේ තියෙන ගාන බලන්න $1.
  • Online Purchase කිරීම Free.
දැන් සල්ලි අතට ගන්න හරිම ලේසියි.
පේපල් වල තියෙන මුදල් Payoneer වලට යවන්න > Payoneer Master Card එකට Load කරන්න > ලංකාවේ ATM එකකින් මුදල් කරගන්න

කාඩ් එකට ඇප්ලයි කරනකොට සේරම ඇත්ත තොරතුරු දෙන්න.
මෙතනින් ගිහින් ඇප්ලයි කරන්න - Payoneer-Apply
  • උපන් දිනේ හරියට දාන්න.
  • National ID එකේ තියෙන විදිහට නම ලියන්න.
  • Last Name එකට වාසගම දාන්න.
  • ගෙදර Address එක හරියට දාන්න.
  • දුරකථන අංකය දෙන්න.
  • Security Question එකට දාන ප්‍රශ්ණය හොඳට මතක තියාගන්න.
  • Username එකයි, Password එකයි, Security Question එකයි ස්ක්‍රීන් ෂොට් එකක් දාගන්න. නැත්තම් කොහෙහරි ලියාගන්න.
සතියකින් දෙකකින් වගේ ගෙදරට ලියුමක් එයි. කාඩ් එකත් එක්ක අමුනල එවල තියන ලිවුමෙ කාඩ් එක ඇක්ටිව් කරගන්න විස්තරේ තියෙනව. 

උපන් ලප හෙළි කරන ජීවිත රහස්‌

පුද්ගලයකුගේ අඟ පසඟ පිහිටීම අනුව හෙවත් දේහ ලක්‍ෂණ විද්‍යාව අනුව කෙනෙකුගේ චරිත ස්‌වභාවයන් කිව හැකි සේම කෙනෙකුගේ ශරීරයේ පිහිටන උපන් ලප අනුව ද චරිත ලක්‍ෂණ පැවසිය හැකි බව පැරැණි සෘෂිවරුන් සඳහන් කර ඇත. ශරීරයේ පිහිටන මෙම උපන් ලප පිළිබඳව නොයෙකුත් මති මතාන්තර ඇත. මේවායෙහි ශාස්‌ත්‍රීය තත්ත්වයන් ද නැතිවා නොවේ.
නලලේ කැලල් හා නියමල් ද උපන් ලප ගණයටම ගැනේ. යම් ස්‌ත්‍රියකගේ නලලේ මැද ලපයක්‌ පිහිටියේ නම් එය තම සැමියාට සැප සම්පත් ලබා දෙන සමාජයේ ගරු බුහුමන් ලබා දෙන කුලාචාර කාන්තාවකට පිහිටන සුබ ලකුණකි. ස්‌ත්‍රියකගේ තද කලු පාට ලපයක්‌ සමඟ රෝම ගසක්‌ දැක්‌වේ නම් ඇය ජනප්‍රියත්වයේ හිනි පෙත්තටම පත්වන අතර සුවිශේෂ පුද්ගලයකුගේ විවාහයකට පත්වෙයි. එමෙන්ම ඇය සැමගේ ආදරයට ද පාත්‍ර වේ. ධනය, බලය ලබන්නියක්‌ වන අතර රටේ කීර්තියට ද පත්වෙනු ඇත.

උපන් ලප හෙලි කරන රහස්

පිරිමින්ගේ දකුණු උරහිසෙහි උපන් ලපයක්‌ පිහිටීම සෞභාග්‍යය පෙන්වන සංකේතයක්‌ වන අතර වම් උරහිසෙහි ඇති උපන් ලපය ගුණහීන පුද්ගලයකු හඳුන්වා දෙයි. දකුණු උරහිසෙහි ඉන්නෙක්‌ හෝ තල කැලලක්‌ පිහිටීම සුබ ලකුණක්‌ වන්නේය. වම් උරහිසෙහි එවැනි ලකුණක්‌ තිබීම සුබ නොවේ. වම් උරෙහි උපන් ලපයක්‌ ඇති කාන්තාව ස්‌වාමිපුරුෂයාට ප්‍රිය වන්නීය. දකුණු උරෙහි උපන් ලපයක්‌ හෝ ඉන්නෙක්‌ පිහිටීමෙන් දිගු කල් ජීවත්වෙන ඉසුරුබවින් පිරුන කාන්තාවක්‌ පෙන්නුම් කරයි. අත්ලෙහි උපන් ලපයක්‌ ඇති පුද්ගලයා අනුන්ගේ සිත් දිනා ගැනීමට සමත් සෘජු ප්‍රතිපත්ති ඇති අයෙක්‌ වේ. අත්ලෙහි උපන් ලපයක්‌ හෝ ඉන්නෙක්‌ පිහිටි වනිතාව උසස්‌ විවාහයකට හිමිකම් ලබන්නීය. දකුණු අත්ලෙහි තල කැලලක්‌ ඇත්නම් වස්‌තු භංගත්වයක්‌ ද, වම් අත්ලෙහි එවැනි ලකුණක්‌ ඇත්තේ නම් නෑදැයන්ගේ ගෞරවයට පාත්‍ර වන බව ද දත යුතුය. කාන්තාවකගේ ඇඟිලිවල උපන් ලප ඇතිවීම අසහනය පෙන්වන පිහිටීමක්‌ වේ.

ස්‌ත්‍රියකගේ හෝ පුරුෂයකුගේ දෙබැමවල ඇති ලප ඉතාම අභාග්‍ය සම්පන්න කරදරකාරී ජීවිතයක්‌ පෙන්වන ලකුණකි. දෙබැම අතර පිහිටීම කාමයට දැඩි ලොල් බවක්‌ පෙන්නුම් කරයි. එසේම දුර්ජන සිතිවිලිවලින් ගහන වූ හදවතක්‌ හිමිය. ඇස්‌ පිහාටුවල එවැනි ලප බොහෝ දුරට දුක, කනගාටුව ගෙන දෙයි. නාසයේ දකුණු පැත්තේ උපන් ලපයක්‌ ඇති වීම අවාසනාව පෙන්නුම් කරයි. වම් පැත්තේ පිහිටීම ඉසුරු සම්පත් ලැබෙන පිහිටීමක්‌ වනු ඇත. කොපුල් තලයේ පිහිටීම වාසනාවන්ත දරුවන් ලැබීමටද, සංගීත කලා අංශවලට දක්‍ෂ බව ද පෙන්නුම් කරයි. නිකටේ උපන් ලප පිහිටීම වාසනාව ගෙනදෙයි. බෙල්ලේ වම්පස උපන් ලපයක්‌ පිහිටියේ නම් ආයුධ සම්බන්ධ කැපුම් කෙටුම්වලට භාජනය වීමද, බෙල්ලේ දකුණුපස සල්ලාල ජීවිතයක ලක්‍ෂණ ද පෙන්නුම් කරයි. හෘදයේ ලප පිහිටීම දරුලාභ, මිත්‍රලාභද, උරෙහි පිහිටීම නෑදැයන් අතර ආරවුල්ද, කිහිලිවල ධනය, දියුණුව, සැප සම්පත් විනාශවීමද පෙන්නුම් කෙරෙයි. පිටෙහි උපන් ලපයක්‌ පිහිටීම ද වාසනාවන්තය. සෘජු අදහස්‌ ඇති කිසිවෙකුට යටත් නොවී ජීවත්වන අයෙක්‌ වෙයි. මැණික්‌ කටුව ප්‍රදේශයෙහි නම් කීකරු මනා සංයමයකින් ජීවත්වන අයෙක්‌ බව පෙන්නුම් කරන අතර අත් දෙකෙහි එවැනි ලකුණක්‌ පිහිටීම මැණික්‌, ඉඩකඩම් ලාභ පෙන්නුම් කරයි.

සුරා පානයට ගිජු පුරුෂයාගේ තොල්වල උපන්ලප දිස්‌වෙන බව ශාස්‌ත්‍රීය නිගමනයයි. පුරුෂයකුගේ තොලෙහි ඉන්නෙකු පිහිටීම සමාජශීලී ගතිය පෙන්නුම් කරයි. තොලෙහි උපන් ලපයක්‌ පිහිටි කාන්තාව අන් අයගේ ඕපදූප සොයමින් ගත කරන කේලාම්කාරියක්‌ බව කියනු ලැබේ. තොලෙහි ඉන්නෙක්‌ හෝ තල කැලලක්‌ ඇත්තේ නම් මෙවුන්දම් සේවනයෙහි සීමා රහිත ආශා ඇති ගැහැනියක්‌ ලෙස හඳුනාගත හැකියි. ශරීරය පුරා විසිරී ගිය අධික කළු ලප වලින් ලේ දූෂ්‍ය අසනීප, ඉක්‌මන් කෝප ගතිය, ස්‌වකීය මතයම අභිමත අයකු වේ. බෙල්ලෙහි ලප දිස්‌වීම, විවාහ සැප සම්පත් අඩු වී යැමට හේතු වන අතර නිතර සිත් වේදනාවෙන් කල් ගෙවන අයෙක්‌ බව දැක්‌වෙයි. අත්ලේ බුධ මණ්‌ඩලයේ කළු ලප ඇති වී නම් අධ්‍යාපනයට බාධා ගෙන දෙන සලකුණකි. රවි මණ්‌ඩලයේ කළු ලප පිහිටියේ නම් ඔහු හෝ ඇය බියගුළු ගති ඇති නීතියට බිය ඇති අයෙක්‌ කරවයි. කුජ මණ්‌ඩලයේ කළු ලප වැටීම බන්ධනාගාරගත වීමට හේතු පෙන්වන අභාග්‍යසම්පන්න පිහිටීමකි. සිකුරු මණ්‌ඩලයේ හා දකුණු අත්ලෙහි මැද පිහිටි කළු ලප වලින් අසාර්ථක විවාහයත්, චිත්ත පීඩා හා ධන නාස්‌තිය ද, පෙන්නුම් කරයි. ඇඟිලිවල උපන් ලප ඇත්තේ නම් ඔහු ප්‍රසිද්ධ පුද්ගලයෙකු වියහැක. අත්ලෙහි උපන් ලපයක්‌ හෝ ඉන්නෙක්‌ පිහිටි වනිතාව උසස්‌ විවාහ සැපතක්‌ ලබන්නීය. සිනිඳු වූත්, මට සිළුටු වූත්, වෘත්තාකාර වූත්, ශෝභාව ගෙන දෙන ලපයක්‌ හිසෙහි ඇත්නම් එය ජීවිතයේ මැදි වයසේදී හදිසි ධන ලාභයක්‌ ගෙන දෙන ලකුණකි. හිස මුදුනේම එය පිහිටා ඇත්තේ නම් ධන ලාභ කීපයක්‌ ම හිමිවිය හැක.
උපුටා ගැනීමකි.

How to add a Beautiful JQuery Drop-Down Menu For Blogger Blogspot

Alright, this time, we are going to make a stylish and simple jQuery drop down menu. The main objective is to make it as simple as possible, with some little jQuery effect and easy to customize/ apply different style on it. To style it into your own design, you just have to modify the a tag CSS style. You can change colors or put background images, or the size and color of text.

Steps Adding the jQuery Drop-Down menu

Step 1. Go to Dashboard - Template - Edit HTML - Proceed

Step 2. Expand Widget Template (make a backup)
    jquery drop-dowm menu

    Step 3. Search for the following code:


    Step 4. Add the following CSS code before/above it:

     #jsddm {
    height: 40px;
    margin: 0;
    overflow: visible;
    z-index: 2;
    padding: 15px;
    #jsddm li {
    float: left;
    list-style: none;
    font: 12px Tahoma, Arial;
    #jsddm li a {
    display: block;
    white-space: nowrap;
    margin:1px 3px;
    border: 1px solid #AAAAAA;
    background: #cccccc;
    background: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, from(#ebebeb), to(#cccccc));
    background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #ebebeb, #cccccc);
    padding: 5px 10px;
    -webkit-border-radius: 5px;
    -moz-border-radius: 5px;
    border-radius: 5px;
    text-shadow: #ffffff 0 1px 0;
    color: #363636;
    font-size: 15px;
    font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Sans-Serif;
    text-decoration: none;
    vertical-align: middle;
    #jsddm li a:hover {
    background: #C8C8C8;
    #jsddm li ul {
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    position: absolute;
    visibility: hidden;
    border-top: 1px solid white;
    #jsddm li ul li {
    float: none;
    display: inline;
    #jsddm li ul li a {
    width: auto;
    background: #CAE8FA;
    #jsddm li ul li a:hover {
    background: #A3CEE5;

    Step 5. Now find this piece of code:


    Step 6. Add this code immediately before/ABOVE it:

     <script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
      <script type='text/javascript'>
    var timeout    = 500;
      var closetimer = 0;
      var ddmenuitem = 0;
    function jsddm_open()
      {  jsddm_canceltimer();
      ddmenuitem = $(this).find('ul').css('visibility', 'visible');}
    function jsddm_close()
      {  if(ddmenuitem) ddmenuitem.css('visibility', 'hidden');}
    function jsddm_timer()
      {  closetimer = window.setTimeout(jsddm_close, timeout);}
    function jsddm_canceltimer()
      {  if(closetimer)
      {  window.clearTimeout(closetimer);
      closetimer = null;}}
      {  $('#jsddm > li').bind('mouseover', jsddm_open)
      $('#jsddm > li').bind('mouseout',  jsddm_timer)});
    document.onclick = jsddm_close;

    Step 7. Click on Save Template button.

    Step 8. Go to Layout > click on "Add a gadget" link

    Step 9. Choose HTML/JavaScript from the pop-up window 

    Step 10. Paste the following code in the empty box:

     <ul id="jsddm">
      <li><a href="#">Home</a>
      <li><a href="#">Link 1</a>
      <li><a href="#">Drop 1-1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Drop 1-2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Drop 1-3</a></li>
     <li><a href="#">Link 2</a>
      <li><a href="#">Drop 2-1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Drop 2-2</a></li>
     <li><a href="#">Link 3</a>
      <li><a href="#">Drop 3-1</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Drop 3-2</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Drop 3-3</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Drop 3-4</a></li>
     <li><a href="#">Link 4</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Link 5</a></li>
      <li><a href="#">Link 6</a></li>

    Note :

    You must change links titles and replace the # symbol with the URL address of each of your links

    Step 11. Click on Save


    - if your menu is on the sidebar, or footer, just drag it to your page header and click and click Save again.
    - if drop down links are not showing, do the following:

    Go back to Template > Edit HTML and search (CTRL + F) for this code:

     <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no'>

    You should change 1 with 3 and no with yes like this:

     <b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='3' showaddelement='yes'>

    Save the Template.

    Next thing to do is to go to Layout and drag your menu immediately below your header

    Then click on Save Arrangement


    What is the blue screen of death?

    What is the blue screen of death?  What causes it and how can it be fixed?  The blue screen of death is an error that occurs when a critical error causes your PC to stop working like it is supposed to.
    Many different things can cause the critical error to take place.  Outdated or corrupted drivers are the number one cause of this error.  If you want to avoid this error in the future, you should update your drivers.  Install a driver update software and let it do its job.  After this is done, your driver errors will be nonexistent.
    The same applies to registry errors, which are the number two cause of blue screen of death errors.  If you install a registry cleaner program (highly recommended!) and let it scan your computer, it will clean out your registry for you in a matter of minutes and fix your registry errors.
    Finally, if you have issues revolving around memory, it may be time to replace your memory stick.  It is good to replace your memory stick every now and then to increase maximum space on your PC.  If you follow these tips, your computer will no longer show you the blue screen of death error.

    How To Add Snow Fall Effect To Your Blog/Website?

    This is Christmas season and everyone (including the biggies) are passionate about having some Christmas effects over there blogs/websites, the most popular practice of making your blog Christmas ready is add a Santa’s Cap over the logo of the website or simply by adding the snow effect to your website.

    how to SnowFall effect on your blog website How To Add Snow Fall Effect To Your Blog/Website?

    How To Add Snow Fall Effect For Your Blogger Blog?
    • First of all login to your Blogger Dashboard (I need not tell you about it, right?)
    • In the dashboard click on “More Options” and then click on “Layout” (here is the screenshot of the new blogger dashboard for your reference, for the old layout just click on “Layout beneath the blog).

    blogger edit layout in new dashboard1 How To Add Snow Fall Effect To Your Blog/Website?

    • Now in the new page layout click on “Add a Gadget”, a new pop-up windows will be opened, just scroll down the page and click on + (symbol) beside “HTML/JavaScript”.

    add html javascript in blogger dashboard How To Add Snow Fall Effect To Your Blog/Website?

    • The page will be refreshed and the open fields to enter the text will be appeared, just paste the following code in the content area and click on Save.

    <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

    That’s it, the cool snow effect will be live on your blog, do let me know if you encounter with any of the errors in setting up the snow effect on your blogger blog.

    Become an Advertiser

    Become an Advertiser
    BidVertiser  As an advertiser, you will be able to create text ads, place them on sites of your choice and pay only for clicks your receive. You will start receiving new targeted leads in less than 10 minutes. Advertiser benefits:  Advertising on sites of your choice  Pay only for the clicks you receive  Set the max price you are willing to pay per click  Choose your geographical targeting  Create your ads in minutes  Monitor the performance of your ads

    As an advertiser, you will be able to create text ads, place them on sites of your choice and pay only for clicks your receive. You will start receiving new targeted leads in less than 10 minutes.
    Advertiser benefits:

    • Advertising on sites of your choice
    • Pay only for the clicks you receive
    • Set the max price you are willing to pay per click
    • Choose your geographical targeting
    • Create your ads in minutes
    • Monitor the performance of your ads

    And best of all - you can now add funds to your advertiser account using PayPal!
    Clicking "Become an Advertiser" below will automatically create an advertiser account for you, using the same information you provided during your signup as a publisher.

    Lock Folder Without Any Software

    Protect your files without installing a software for it.  Step1:  Copy the below code and paste it in notepad, save this file Lock.batProtect your files without installing a software for it. 
    Copy the below code and paste it in notepad, save this file [*all files]Lock.bat

    @ECHO OFF 
    title Folder Locker 
    if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK 
    if NOT EXIST Locker goto MDLOCKER 
    echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N) 
    set/p "cho=>" 
    if %cho%==Y goto LOCK 
    if %cho%==y goto LOCK 
    if %cho%==n goto END 
    if %cho%==N goto END 
    echo Invalid choice. 
    goto CONFIRM 
    ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" 
    attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" 
    echo Folder locked 
    goto End 
    echo Enter password to Unlock folder 
    set/p "pass=>" 
    if NOT %pass%==123456789 goto FAIL 
    attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" 
    ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker 
    echo Folder Unlocked successfully 
    goto End 
    echo Invalid password 
    goto end 
    md Locker 
    echo Locker created successfully 
    goto End

    Step 2: 
    Now Run this file,
    so a  lock folder will created automatically, copy your files to that folder.
    To unlock the folder again run the file and enter your password.
    Note :when you saving the edit your own password..

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    windows 8 only 10 mb highly compressd

    windows 8 only 10 mb highly compressd

    Windows eight could be a planned unleash of Microsoft Windows, a series of operating systems being created by Microsoft to be used on pc, mutually with residence and business desktops, laptops, tablets, and residential theater PCs. the discharge to producing (RTM) is anticipated within the initial week of August 2012,and Windows eight are out there to users beginning 26th October , 2012.Windows 8's server matching part, Windows Server 2012, is in progress concomitantly with Windows eight. the foremost recent official pre-release version of Windows eight is that the unleash Preview, that was released on might thirty one, 2012;

    In this post I will give you Microsoft Windows 8 Pro HIGHLY COMPRESSED full version for free. This OS is developed not just to work on desktops and laptops but also on Windows based tablets and mobile phones, making it a flexible multi-platform OS. This file is only 10MB, so you can download it without tons of data usage and try it for free.

     Some of the features of new Microsoft Windows 8 includes

    • Support for Both x86 PCs and ARM Tablets
    • Windows to Go
    • Windows Store
    • Windows 8 User Interface
    • Control Panel
    • Playing videos in Windows 8
    • Windows 8 Task Manager
    • Improved Windows Defender
    • Internet Explorer 10.

    System Requirements To Install Windows 8 on your system

    • Windows 8 works great on the same hardware that powers  Windows 7:
    • 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
    • 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
    • 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)
    • DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
    • Taking advantage of touch input requires a screen that supports multi-touch

    Highly Compressed WIN XP Only 2Mb

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    Windows Xp 64 Bit ISO Highly Compressed 2 MB  Free Download 
    වින්ඩෝස් එක්ස් පී මෙගාබයිට 600ක ෆයිල් එක මෙගා බයිට 2 කට පොඩි පට්ටම් කරල තියෙන්නෙ හිතාගන්න පුලුවන්ද? :D ඩවුන්ලෝඩ් කරගෙනම බලන්න එහෙනම්.....

    Download the file from the link Below
    Extract with Winrar 
    Finally, burn the ISO in a DVD

    Highly Compressing Software 1GB to KGB Archiver Beta 2 /

    KGB Archiver is not your regular file compressor. It makes all the difference in the world, size-wise, because it can create the tinniest archives. This is due to the fact that its compression rate is amazing, almost unique in its software category.
    KGB Archiver is not your regular file compressor. It makes all the difference in the world, size-wise, because it can create the tinniest archives. This is due to the fact that its compression rate is amazing, almost unique in its software category.

    This small and seemingly plain software is extremely powerful, and it could easily surpass other products of its kind (when it comes to compression size, not speed).

    Archives can be made in either KGB or ZIP format, and compression level can be set from minimal to maximum (with a lot of options in between). Plus, you can secure them by assigning a password, no matter which compression level you choose.

    For example, we compressed a file of 1.2MB at maximum level. The process took 30 seconds, and the result weighed 366,5KB. Large file take a lot more than that, obviously. So, yes, KBG Archiver is powerful, but it also takes long time for maximum compression level.

    During compression, KGB Archiver displays the progress, together with the current size versus the projected size and the remaining time. This information is also available in a little window that pops up if you move the mouse over the application icon in the system tray.

    KGB Archiver also places shortcuts in the Explorer context menu, but you can make that disappear from the Options window of the application.

    In conclusion, KGB Archiver is willing to cut down your archives in size, but at the price of a long waiting time for very large files. Considering that it can drastically make a difference, the costs are not that high.

    Think bit before you login to Facebook

    some problems about Facebook such as hacked, dismissed own photos to other sites. Think of this before login to Facebook. The Facebook is a website that most of people are login. like wise, related to Facebook we can hear that most of the peoples are saying that the Facebook account gas been hacked or photos related to one's account has been entered to other websites.   And the real situation is more than 85% of the Sri-Lankan has not identify still what internet is. They only know how to log-on Facebook, to read their E-mails and to search on Google and some other but some times, actually they don't know even how to log on Facebook correctly.  දනුක සොන්
    Facebook is a common web site today. and also occur some problems about Facebook such as hacked, dismissed own photos to other sites. Think of this before login to Facebook. The Facebook is a website that most of people are login. like wise, related to Facebook we can hear that most of the peoples are saying that the Facebook account gas been hacked or photos related to one's account has been entered to other websites.

    And the real situation is more than 85% of the Sri-Lankan has not identify still what internet is. They only know how to log-on Facebook, to read their E-mails and to search on Google and some other but some times, actually they don't know even how to log on Facebook correctly.

    Samsung GT-i9300 Galaxy S3 Price In Sri lanka Rs 89,000

    Samsung I9300 Galaxy S3 In Sri lanka -samsung-galaxy-s-III-02 - In Sri lanka Danukazone blog Logo .jpg
    The Galaxy S II confirmed Samsung are leading the way in Android powered smartphones. Trying to re-crate such success with a successor is a challenge that any company would find daunting but the Galaxy S III is a worthy replacement.

    The S3 from Samsung takes the fundamental hardware components that makes a phone great and paired it with the latest Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) operating system and enhanced it to make this without doubt the new sought after phone.

    A definite rival to the iPhone the S3 is designed for humans. We have all had bad experiences with a phone but the new Galaxy is designed to feel more natural, more intuitive and all round simpler to use so there are less if any bad experiences.
    Samsung I9300 Galaxy S3 In Sri lanka -samsung-galaxy-s-III-02 - In Sri lanka Danukazone blog Logo .jpg
    Countless enhancements go beyond what most of us would consider needed improving form the Galaxy S II. The S3 has rounded edges and a HyperGlaze coating that makes it feel comfortable, robust and stylish when in the hand.
    The Android operating system gives you the power and flexibility you need in your personal life and has the necessary functions to work with you and meet your requirements if used for business.

    From changing the home screen layout, to changing the ringtones the process is simple. Easily expand the capability of the device by downloading applications from Google Play store to make the device more personal and productive to you. 

    Standard features such as GPS navigation with Google Maps, Gmail, text messaging, phone functionality, video calling and web browsing are all features which are present and should not be overlooked. However the S3 goes beyond the basics to offer something more.

    Browse the web, stream media or share content through one of the devices many wireless connectivity options. WiFi (802.11b/g/n), 3G, Bluetooth (version 4) are just the start. NFC, S Beam and AllShare Cast make the wireless world more of reality. Maybe we should mention here, that wireless charging is an option on the Galaxy S3!!

    Quad-core processing power means there will be no lacklustre performance from the S3. Game playing or busy typing out emails the performance of the S3 is second to none.

    Add a 4.8” Super AMOLED capacitive touch screen and together it’s a dream gaming device or simply a phone that you wont mind using for watching movies or photos back on. State of the art technology gives a crisp, bright and immersive experience. New technology means that the backlight on the screen wont turn off until you have finished using the device. You will no doubt understand how frustrating it can be when the backlight goes off even though you are still reading things on the screen.

    An 8 megapixel camera is found on the back of the Galaxy S III and can record HD video at 30 frames per second. There is too a front facing 1.9 megapixel camera. There are plenty of added features here too.

    Where are you going to store all those photos and videos? Well the SG3 comes with 16GB of on board memory as well as having a microSD card slot that supports cards up to 64GB in capacity. Add too 50GB of FREE Dropbox cloud storage and there is no end of potential storage.

    All of these features consume power but a 2100mAh battery will keep you going as long as possible but if you do need to replace the battery you can, because its removable, not fixed like the HTC One X, Motorola RAZR MAXX and more.

    All of this in a device that weighs just 133g and is 8.6mm thick – simply superb.

    There is so much to the Samsung Galaxy S3 there is more to it than meets the eye. The following are some of the added enhancements you will find on the Galaxy S3.

    Best photo - With the S3 you can automatically take a burst of 8 pictures and choose the best one. No more missing that perfect shot.

    Buddy photo share - Want your phone to intelligently recognise your friends faces in photos you have captured? If the answer is yes, then the Galaxy S III does this too. It recognises a friends face and allows you to share photos with them instantly.

    Social tag- Social networks can be so important in keeping up to date with your friends. Social tag keeps track of loved ones, friends and family, showing their social network status as you glance at their photos.

    Smart stay - No more frustrating tapping of the screen or power button to put the backlight back on. The Galaxy S3 knows when you are still looking at the display, so it wont turn off until you are finished.

    Direct call - The Galaxy S III is intelligent enough to know when you want to talk. You may be texting a friend and think, it might just be easier to call. Simply lift the phone to your ear and it will call the contact.

    Smart alert - It is all to easy to miss a call or a message because we may be distracted. A gentle reminder is what we often need. With the S3 a Smart alert feature means that the phone will vibrate to give you a little nudge to check your phone for missed calls of messages. It is a simple feature like this that makes a smartphone smart.

    S Voice - A voice command system that responds to your words such as take a photo, wake up and answer. Making small and simple tasks that bit easier.

    S Beam - It is Google Beam taken one step further. Place a Samsung Galaxy S III back to back with another Galaxy S III and you can transfer, without wires, pictures, music, videos and more.

    Pop up play - More useful than you may think this feature allows you to do two things at once. Pop up play allows you to watch and move video content around your screen in a box whilst you do other things such as text, read a web page or respond to an email.

    AllShare Cast - Your trip round Africa has come to an end. You captured some great images and now you want to share them. Whilst the 4.8" screen is big, it might not be big enough. Simply share it without wires to a big screen and use your Galaxy S III as a controller.

    AllShare Play - You have no doubt left a file on a home computer when you are at work or thought it would be really handy if I could access something that you have stored on your home computer when somewhere else. With Samsungs AllShare Play you can access documents and multimedia files remotely, allowing you to achieve what you could not before.

    Samsung Galaxy SIII AllShare Cast Dongle Samsung I9300 Galaxy S3 In Sri lanka -samsung-galaxy-s-III-02 - In Sri lanka Danukazone blog Logo .jpgComplete the story. A full range of official Samsung accessories from cases, to screen protectors to docks are available for the Galaxy S III.

    Seamless and intuitive this is a phone designed for humans, thinking and working with you to give you the best mobile experience. It is today’s most powerful smartphone.

    Samsung Galaxy S3 Marble White Features
    Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich)
    Quad-core processor
    4.8 inch HD Super AMOLED (1280x720) display
    16GB memory
    MicroSD card slot that supports up to 64GB memory cards
    50GB Dropbox cloud storage
    3G (HSPA 21Mbps)
    8 megapixel auto focus camera with flash & zero shutter lag
    Front facing 1.9 megapixel camera, with zero shutter lag
    HD video recording @30 frames per second
    2100mAh battery
    8.6mm thick
    133g in weight
    S Beam – share content with other Galaxy S III devices
    Pop up play –Watch video whilst doing other things
    S Voice – Intelligently communicate with the phone
    Smart stay – No more tapping the screen to keep the backlight on
    Smart call – The Galaxy S III initiates the call so you do not have to
    Smart alert – Leave less time before responding to missed calls or messages
    AllShare Play – Share content with the big screen and control from the Galaxy
    Samsung Galaxy S3 Marble White Box Contents
    Samsung Galaxy S III handset
    Samsung Galaxy S III battery
    Stereo headphones with changeable earbuds
    UK mains plug
    USB sync charge cable
    Quick start guide
    Warranty card

    See the video below for our review of the Samsung Galaxy S3.

    You will be redirected to the script in
