How to create animated tag cloud Blogger blog

Animated Tag or tag cloud looks very interesting, most of us want to create it. So here I am giving you the steps, how you can create tag cloud.

How to create animation tag cloud to blogger Danukazone Danuka Ranasinghe Dell inspiron Blogger gadget First go to Design > Backup/restore > download your complete template, so that if any error occurs while installing Tag you can restore your default template. Now search for the following code:

<b:section class='sidebar' id='sidebar' preferred='yes'

Cheena Raashi chakrayata anuwa ඔබ හා ඔබේ ගති ගුණ දැනගන්න.

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How to create animated tag cloud Blogger Blog

How to create animation tag cloud to blogger Danukazone Danuka Ranasinghe Dell inspiron Blogger gadget

How to Remove Blogger Navigation Bar

Here are the steps to remove the Blogger Navigation bar /Blogger Nav Bar.
how to remove or hide blogger navbar danukazone
1.Login to your blogger account.
2.From your Dashboard opt for Layout.3.Now choose Edit Html
4.You will see your template code there.
5.In that template code find

and replace it with
#navbar-iframe,#navbar { display: none !important; } ]]></b:skin>

6.Now opt for SaveTemplate.
7.Affter saving the template take a look at your template and your blogger navigation bar must have disappeared. :)
You will be redirected to the script in
